Why do I insist on a consultation before your massage?

A massage consultation

A massage consultation

  • it helps me to get to know you and develop a good professional relationship
  • it enables me to check medical details to establish if there are any contra-indications to a massage treatment.  A couple of examples of contra-indications are severe bruising, cuts or abrasions in the treatment area (these could cause pain to the client); recent operations; a fever. Massaging someone in spite of contra-indications may mean they are badly affected by the massage, or the massage could be ineffective. However, in many cases, an adapted or shortened treatment might be possible.
  • it allows me to see lifestyle factors which may be causing stress, low energy levels, tension etc.
    How stress can take over

    How stress can take over

    Remember, the different massages I practice take a holistic approach which means taking into account the mind, body and spirit of each person treated. Emotional factors may be causing persistent headaches, working in front of a computer all day may be causing neck and shoulder tension, heavy lifting may be affecting the back.

  • I can suggest different oils to use, which you can smell to see which one you like. If you’d like a specific oil in the future, I’ll do my best to get it for you.

    Choosing the right oils is important

    Choosing the right oils is important

  • I can assess your expectations of the massage and reassure you if you are nervous (especially if it is your first ever massage)
  • we can talk together about the objectives of the treatment e.g. relaxation, reducing tension in specific areas etc.

    Do you have specific problem areas?

    Do you have specific problem areas?

  • I can answer any questions you may have about the different types of massage on offer and  their benefits and choose the best one to suit you on the day (if you haven’t already chosen one)
    Hawaiian massage uses long, flowing strokes with the forearms

    Hawaiian massage uses long, flowing strokes with the forearms

    The first consultation is always the longest, after that I’ll just be asking for “top-up” information.

  • A final point: all the information I take down is and will remain confidential.
  • Check out my previous post on consultations here.

You can contact me at Just Massage for a home massage appointment in and around the Mérignac and Pessac area (near Bordeaux, France) on

Mobile massage therapy - blissful pampering in the comfort of your own home

Mobile massage therapy – blissful pampering in the comfort of your own home